Sunday, February 8, 2009


The truffles in the picture are peanut butter balls, cookie dough, and Oreo. This is just a sample of the many that I have made. There are also pretzel truffles, fudge bonbons, chocolate peanut butter, and chocolate berry truffles.
Truffles are a great dessert for any party or get together and also make great gift giveaways. There are many different varieties to make and to dip and roll them in. If you are interested, just email and I would be happy to discuss them.
Along with all the desserts I make, these are also made with no hydrogenated oils or high fructose corn syrup. This means that I use all natural and/or organic ingredients. Any dessert with peanut butter uses organic, anything with oreos, I use organic, and anything with chocolate usually is semi sweet to dark, so that there are no additives. I strive to make my desserts as healthy for you as possible. Please remember that as the price sometimes reflects the quality you will be getting.

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